
I don’t know how it happened, but when Lydia burst forth from my womb, it was like a little chunk of me broke off and started to grow again. Not in the looks department – when I look at her, I see Nate staring back at me.  But in the personality department, she is all me.  Arguing with Lydia is like having a slightly schizophrenic argument with myself.

She is bossy as all get-out.  She wants things done her way.  Everything must be just so.  She’s even started making lists.  At the age of 8.  Was I like that when I was 8?  Why yes, yes I was.  My mom tells a story about when I was 5 and playing with my dolls.  I was using some old towels as blankets.  The towels had a fringe, which I very patiently combed out to be all aligned and tidy.  Which, of course, my mom thought was a sure sign on mental illness.  But here I am – a productive adult just on the tidier side of mental illness.

We were trying to formulate a plan for what do with our weekend a few weeks before Christmas, and this is what Lydia came up with:


What a fantastic list – so beautifully thought out.   Numbered, even.  I couldn’t have done it better myself.


Filed under Family

2 responses to “Mini-Me

  1. And it looks like she’s checked a few things off as well, good girl! It must run in the family, Oliver is into lists too. But I think he might get that from me…. We make a good list-making team!

  2. althea

    I like that she puts peace signs everywhere, even on her list of potential things to do. She is such a darling person.

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